Learn how to extract structured company information from websites using ScrapeGraphAI’s SmartScraper. This example demonstrates how to gather company details, contact information, and social media presence.

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The Goal

We’ll extract the following company information:

Company NameName of the company
DescriptionBrief description of the company
FoundersList of founders with their roles and LinkedIn profiles
LogoCompany logo URL
PartnersList of company partners
Pricing PlansDetails of available pricing tiers
Contact EmailsCompany contact information
Social LinksLinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub profiles
LegalPrivacy policy and terms of service URLs
API StatusStatus page URL

Code Example

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from scrapegraph_py import Client

# Schema for founder information
class FounderSchema(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(description="Name of the founder")
    role: str = Field(description="Role of the founder in the company")
    linkedin: str = Field(description="LinkedIn profile of the founder")

# Schema for pricing plans
class PricingPlanSchema(BaseModel):
    tier: str = Field(description="Name of the pricing tier")
    price: str = Field(description="Price of the plan")
    credits: int = Field(description="Number of credits included in the plan")

# Schema for social links
class SocialLinksSchema(BaseModel):
    linkedin: str = Field(description="LinkedIn page of the company")
    twitter: str = Field(description="Twitter page of the company")
    github: str = Field(description="GitHub page of the company")

# Schema for company information
class CompanyInfoSchema(BaseModel):
    company_name: str = Field(description="Name of the company")
    description: str = Field(description="Brief description of the company")
    founders: List[FounderSchema] = Field(description="List of company founders")
    logo: str = Field(description="Logo URL of the company")
    partners: List[str] = Field(description="List of company partners")
    pricing_plans: List[PricingPlanSchema] = Field(description="Details of pricing plans")
    contact_emails: List[str] = Field(description="Contact emails of the company")
    social_links: SocialLinksSchema = Field(description="Social links of the company")
    privacy_policy: str = Field(description="URL to the privacy policy")
    terms_of_service: str = Field(description="URL to the terms of service")
    api_status: str = Field(description="API status page URL")

client = Client(api_key="your-api-key")

response = client.smartscraper(
    user_prompt="Extract info about the company",

Example Output

    "company_name": "ScrapeGraphAI",
    "description": "AI-powered web scraping API for structured data extraction",
    "founders": [
            "name": "John Doe",
            "role": "CEO",
            "linkedin": "https://linkedin.com/in/johndoe"
    "logo": "https://scrapegraphai.com/logo.png",
    "partners": ["OpenAI", "Anthropic"],
    "pricing_plans": [
            "tier": "Starter",
            "price": "$49/month",
            "credits": 1000
    "contact_emails": ["contact@scrapegraphai.com"],
    "social_links": {
        "linkedin": "https://linkedin.com/company/scrapegraphai",
        "twitter": "https://twitter.com/scrapegraphai",
        "github": "https://github.com/ScrapeGraphAI"
    "privacy_policy": "https://scrapegraphai.com/privacy",
    "terms_of_service": "https://scrapegraphai.com/terms",
    "api_status": "https://status.scrapegraphai.com"

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